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Sheep - Farm Animal Story
 by: Anonymous
 Rank: 4
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The sheep is a very useful animal. Its wool, sheared off, makes us cloth
and flannel, and all kinds of woollen goods; and its flesh, called
mutton, is a chief part of our food. When sheep are little they are
called lambs, and are very playful, pretty creatures.

Sheep - Farm Animal

Sheep soon learn to know the voice of their shepherd, and will follow
it. In Eastern countries the shepherd walks before his flock, and they
are led by his voice. There are dogs called sheep-dogs, which take care
of the flocks, and protect the sheep, and keep them together. In some
countries these dogs have often to fight with wolves, which attack the
sheep and carry them off whenever they can; but the dogs are quite able
to keep the wolf away when they are trained to do so.

On the Scottish hills the sheep-dog is often obliged to seek his charge
in the snow-drifts, and to help get out a poor sheep or lamb which has
got buried in it. Sheep love green meadows and pure water. You remember,
I dare say, the beautiful Psalm, "The Lord is my shepherd, therefore I
shall lack nothing."